Corliss Resources Inc

Thank you for visiting Corliss Resources, Inc’s website.  We hope that your visit to our site is informative and helpful. 

Group Review: Corliss Resources Inc Products and Services

Whether you are working on a weekend landscape project or you are building a million dollar complex, chances are Corliss Resources, Inc has the quality product you are looking for.  Corliss Resources locations are full of top quality aggregates and sand products created by the glaciers and volcanoes that have sculpted this great state.  These resources make it possible for CRI to manufacture and offer a variety of quality products to fit almost any structural requirement and aesthetic preference.


Our knowledgeable sales staff is ready to help find the product that will best fit your needs and answer any questions you may have.  With years of experience and multiple educational credentials and certifications the Corliss Team is here to help.

The Corliss Institute Non Profit Group: Taloudellinen raportointi muutokset vaikuttavat NFP


Huhtikuu 2013, Accounting Standards Board ja julkissektorin kirjanpito hallitus antoi julkilausuman periaatteet-oikeus "Parannuksia jotta voittoa standardeja", joka löytyy täältä: Jos yksityisen tai julkisen sektorin ei-voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio ("NFP") joka käyttää ei-voittoa standardeja kuin ensisijainen lähde yleisesti hyväksytyt kirjanpitoperiaatteet, tarkista muutosehdotukset koskevat periaatteet.


Koskevat periaatteet esitetään 15 ehdotettujen periaatteiden, jota käytetään kehittää uusi standardi kirjanpito, joka tehokkaasti muuttaa taloudellinen raportointi tehdään Metsäohjelmissa tavalla. Ehdotetut muutokset, jotka voivat olla muutamia koskevia kansallisia metsäohjelmia ovat:


-Poistaminen verovapautuksen Metsäohjelmissa tulot 500.000 dollaria. Näistä pienempi kokoinen Metsäohjelmissa on aiheutuisi hallinnollisia lisäkustannuksia ja kuoletuksen käyttöomaisuuden tilinpäätökseen;


-Poistaminen lykkäystä ja rajoittaa rahaston menetelmällä, vaikuttamatta tunnustamista Metsäohjelmissa kannanottoja sen tilinpäätös; ja


Vahvistetaan tilinpäätös edellytetään myös valvottua ja liittyvät Metsäohjelmissa, josta voisi tulla monimutkainen prosessi.


-Metsäohjelmissa voivat ilmaista näkemyksiään ja huolenaiheitaan ehdotetuista muutoksista. Kaikki kommentit ovat asianmukaisesti viimeistään 15 päivänä joulukuuta 2013. Ne kirjataan kunkin hallituksen sivustolla, ellet nimenomaisesti pyytää luottamuksellisuutta kommentit lähettämistä.

The Corliss Group Home Agency Day Program


Corliss provides specialized training to meet individual needs in a Center-based Day Program. The program runs Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm. Individuals are supported in activities of daily living in addition to employment preparation. Individuals are also supported interacting in the community with visits to the local Y, weekly bowling outings, and other events of interest to our participants.


There are a wide range of activities to choose from such as computer use, reading, writing, and exercise.


Participants are trained in all aspects of work habits to prepare them for future employment in the larger community.


The Corliss Center is designed to enhance learning in a real life setting. Our clients enjoy cooking classes in our real kitchen along with learning appropriate cleaning techniques that they can apply in their home. We have a computer center that tailors individual and group training regardless if clients are beginners on computers or preparing to work in an office on a computer. The academic program focuses on everything from reading and writing to money management skills that staff help them utilize in the community.


The Day Program also provides social and relaxation time where clients participate in arts and crafts activities, play games with their peers or enjoy movies in our movie area. The Day Program also provides various role playing activities which are then transferred to the community.

The Corliss Group Home Agency on Employment Assistance



Our expanded Employment Service Program provides members with training in work habits, filling out applications, using public transportation, and the nuts and bolts of work habits. A frequent issue for many is that of interpersonal relations on the job and how to handle changes in co-workers or supervisors. Other critical issues may be those of promptness and apparel.


Some members have daily jobs at Corliss which helps prepare them for future work off site. Corliss provides informal job coaching to those members needing assistance on the job, as well as full scale Supported Employment Services (through the Rhode Island Office of Rehabilitation Services) for those Members whose need for support and cueing will require more than two months of assistance. We have found that close to half of our Members can and do work with minimum supports and coaching once the job and schedule is understood. At the same time, Corliss is ready to resume supports, training and re-training when indicated and needed.


At present, Corliss offers limited hours of on-site paid work for Members, work with the agency Recycling Project, access to off-site businesses and companies obtained through Supported Employment networks, and occasional work by area businesses that are in need of specific projects to be completed or positions to be filled.


It should be noted that Corliss does not fund, offer or support Sheltered Workshop ‘employment’, and that any ‘work crews’ developed through agency projects are in the nature of training and skills acquisition only: our goals are for real jobs for real pay in integrated settings.